Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies — Protein Recipe with 3 Ingredients

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies — Protein Recipe with 3 Ingredients

192 CALORIES -  6.2g CARBOHYDRATES | 0.6g FIBER | 13.3g FAT | 12.5g PROTEIN
Chocolate Protein Balls Reading Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies — Protein Recipe with 3 Ingredients 3 minutes Next Salmon salad - Healthy and fat loss recipe
@lyssamariefitness galette beurre d'arachide 3 ingrédients environ 192 calories G 6,2g F 0,6g L 13,3g P 12,5g 1 t. de beurre d'arachide naturelle croquant 2 oeufs 2 scoop de protéines (@Vikings Nutrition lyssa20) 1. Mélanger tous les ingrédients. 2. Mettre au four a 350 F pendant environ 5 minutes #recettefacile #recetterapide #3ingredients #alimentation #snack #pertedegras ♬ son original - Lyssa 🥑Perte de gras

Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies — Protein Recipe with 3 Ingredients

Our healthy peanut butter cookies recipe offers a mouth-watering and nourishing alternative to traditional peanut butter cookies. With its combination of simple and natural ingredients, this cookie-style pattie has a multitude of benefits for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle without compromising on taste.

Natural ingredients for a healthy peanut butter cookie

First of all, the main ingredient in this peanut butter cookies recipe is crunchy natural peanut butter. Using natural peanut butter avoids the additives and extra sugars often found in processed peanut butters. In addition, it offers a rich texture and authentic flavors to our cookie. This option guarantees a source of healthy fats and natural proteins.

A healthy and above all protein cookies

The key ingredient in this recipe for a protein cookie is the addition of whey protein. Our recipe for healthy peanut butter cookies is enriched with protein thanks to the inclusion of whey as well as eggs. These high-quality proteins are essential for building muscle and feeling full, making these patties an ideal choice for an energy snack or nourishing breakfast.

A low-calorie cookiee recipe

With only 192 calories per serving, these Peanut Butter Cookies offer a light, yet filling option. They can be easily incorporated into a calorie-controlled diet or eaten as a satisfying snack between meals, providing a feeling of fullness without compromising nutritional goals.

3 ingredients for an easy recipe

The simplicity of the recipe, requiring only three ingredients, makes it a convenient option for those in a hurry or those looking to make quick, healthy snacks. This simplicity also allows for easy customization, whether by adding fresh fruit, seeds or other ingredients according to individual preferences.

How to Make Healthy Peanut Butter Cookies



  1. Turn your oven on to 350 F
  2. In a bowl, add all ingredient.
  3. Mix until completely combined
  4. form biscuits and place them on a baking tray
  5. Put in the oven and bake for approx. 5 minutes.
"Hi, it’s Lyssa-Marie!
I invite you to join my private Facebook group dedicated to active women looking to lose fat while cultivating a healthy relationship with food for lots of tips and recipes! "
By Lyssa-Marie Gagne
Instagram @lyssamariegagne | TikTok @lyssamariefitness